Suck..The past truly past?

I have got to be the worst blogger ever!..

With the recent travels to Awka with my mum and baby brother plus my Abuja travel to be with Bae and my second bestie(don’t tell her I call her that… Hahha)

Yes, a girl has been busy…

Anyhu…. A word of thought..

When exactly can we truly say we have gotten over the past?

Sure, we all say we have with our words but as the saying goes ‘Talk is cheap’ so yeah, we hardly play it out.

Honestly, majority of us go into new relationships and flings with old dirt and baggages then wonder why it never works out..

Letting go of the past is no easy feat… Believe me..

I mean, I am currently still struggling with banishing the feeling of low self-worth and the fact that someone can truly be in love with me in my new relationship based on the crap I went through in past relationships..

But really,I believe that when we decide to let the past be past, only then can the future be truly sunnier..

  • Kisses, Ima……💋❤

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